Revolution is in the air- and the Forest got its own taste of people power. Thanks to the remarkable efforts of a few individuals, and the mobilisation of thousands The Forest of Dean is saved.
Of course Mark Harper will claim that this WAS the consultation and they listened. But really when the dust settles and the celebrations finish, the forest will be left with an MP who didn't have the courage (like a handful of his conservative peers did) to stand up for what was right.
Perhaps it is his ambitions within the party that led him to make this fatal decision,
the irony being that if he had spoke out sooner he would have been credited by both party and people.
Little did he know the drastic U-Turn his party would have to make.
One thing is for sure- when the election comes he is toast.
Perhaps his party will give him a safe seat elsewhere- or perhaps the betrayer will become the betrayed.